
Cache Suite is a collection of collections. A way of making and sharing within a new realm. A space for objects and images to collide. Cache Suite is a nebulous and evolving entity, a space for objects and images to fraternize and allegorize. A window into experiments. Cache Suite is aesthetic experience exposed over time. A venue without an address, a reason to gather and collaborate. Cache Suite is a thought process that seeks no terminal but desires to be seen and considered. Cache Suite is a slurry of connections that desires to break from professionalized art industry models of series, shows, sales and redundant materiality. Cache Suite is a visual consortium more akin to our contemporary thought processes. The physical, temporal, ephemeral and intimate experiences in our lives.

If Cache Suite is what freedom looks like. Cache Suite may look like other things, art objects and images, not because it’s about covering new territory and claiming a unique domain or brand. It is about swerving into lanes and driving there for awhile. It is about exposing oneself to being truly open to seeing. It is about responding and reacting in real time. It is about creating new time frames to work within. It is about responding to what's in front of you, on the smallest of scales; your trash, your shit and then onto the largest of scales; world events, global climate change, politics and global networks.
